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PET recycle

What is P.E.T.?
(polyethylene terephthalate) polyester is oneof the strongest man made fibers. It's versatility, durability, and inherentresistance to stains make it PET the popular choice for a variety of consumergoods ranging from seat belts to tire cords to carpet. In fact, polyester is themost used synthetic fiber in the world. 

How is PET produced?
To see the entire process click on image toenlarge.

How does recycling affect the qualityof PET fiber?
Due to the high intrinsic viscosityrequirements of the bottle industry, bottle-grade PET resin is superior tovirgin carpet-grade resin in terms of strength. This characteristic is retainedthrough the recycling process due to the fact PET is a thermoplastic materialwhich can be melted and reformed with virtually no change in physicalproperties. The superior nature of PET as a raw material is unchanged byrecycling.

How does PET compare with other carpetfibers, such as nylon?
PET fibers offer very distinct advantages---superior and permanent stain resistance, strength and abrasion resistance,permanent static resistance, rich true colors, and low moisture absorption.Because PET is used in products such as seat belts and tire cords it must meetfederal strength requirements that are not applied to other fibers used in theproduction of carpet.